5 Ways to Increase your Child’s Intelligibility
March 11, 2025

Intelligibility refers to how clearly a child is able to speak and how much of their speech an adult is able to understand. Often, parents are able to understand a child’s speech much better than others due to familiarity. However, it is important address your child’s intelligibility so that they will be able to clearly communicate with others. How can you work on your child’s intelligibility at home? What are the activities to improve speech intelligibility? Below, we recommend 5 ways on how to improve intelligibility of speech to increase your child’s intelligibility .
By the time your child is 3 years old, they should be combining 3+ words into phrases and sentences. At this time, parents should be able to understand about 80% of their child’s speech. By 4 years old, children are using longer and more complex sentences. Parents should be able to understand almost 100% of their speech. Do others find it difficult to understand your child’s speech? Check here speech intelligibility strategies that can be useful for parents:
1. Slow Down your Speech
Slow down your rate of speech and enunciate your words. Children are learning vocabulary and how to string together words at a rapid rate. For adults, speaking rapidly comes natural to us. For children, this rate of speech and make it difficult for them to hear the entire word. For instance, children may delete the final sounds in words because they do not clearly hear the ending of one word before another begins. When modeling clear speech for your child, slow down. We call this turtle talk. Speak with a pause between each word and exaggerate each word. You can also learn about intelligibility strategies to improve speech intelligibility.
2. Face your Child When Speaking
How to improve intelligibility of speech? Face your child during conversations so that they can see your mouth movements. Children who have a lower rate of intelligibility, often do not move their mouth and tongue appropriately to produce clear speech. By encouraging eye contact and facing your child, you are providing a direct model. For example, if your child says “ony” for “pony,” ensure they can see your lips when producing “p.” It also helps for the child to look in the mirror so they can see if their lips come together or not for “p.” You must also consider intelligibility strategies speech therapy.
3. Build your Child’s Speech Awareness
Parents often become accustomed to their child’s speech patterns. They are able to understand a phrase or sentence that others may not. How to improve speech intelligibility? Do not get in the habit of responding to requests that are not clear. Use these times to build your child’s awareness that their speech is not understood. Focus on feedback such as, “I couldn’t understand that, can you tell me again slower?” Model the phrase using turtle talk and ask them to repeat. When their speech is clear, immediately give positive feedback and respond to requests. Intelligibility strategies speech therapy can be of a great help in such cases.
4. Use Sentence Pacers
If your child is having difficulty with verbal prompts and feedback, they may need visual support. Use sentence pacers to practice slowing down your child’s speech. Sentence pacers are a great way to practice clear speech with a visual reminder to produce each word in a sentence. You can create your own or find examples like the one below online and look for intelligibility strategies.

5. Monitor Developmental Speech Sounds
Speech sounds such as /b, m, k, r, l, and s/ all develop at different times from 2-7 years of age. By the time your child is seven years old, they should be producing every sound accurately. Take this into consideration when speech is unintelligible. Is this an issue with production and intelligibility or is this normal for their age? Ensure your child is able to produce age-appropriate speech sounds by checking out our developmental guideline for speech sound development. It is also important to monitor phonological awareness and find intelligibility strategies. For example, the omission of sounds in the initial and final positions of words and deletion of sounds in words.
If you have concerns over your child’s speech production and intelligibility, consult with speech language pathologist. At Connect Teletherapy, we offer basic screenings or full evaluations. A screening is a 15-30 minute consultation where an SLP will talk with your child and listen for unintelligible speech an/or speech sound errors. A full evaluation includes a standardized assessment of your child expressive and receptive language skills along with speech sound production. Identifying speech needs early is the best way to ensure your child’s success and confidence in the world.

This is TeleSesh, where I’m focused on changing the way kids get therapy. We started in 2019 as a therapist-operated virtual platform for premium quality teletherapy which focuses on speech-language pathology. We are aware of the challenges faced by parents and schools such as long waits before being attended to and limited number of available therapists. Our goal at TeleSesh is simple: we aim to create convenient and efficient web-based therapy options for children. With groundbreaking measures and personalized attention, we ensure that every child has access to all the resources they require for success. Join us as we lead the charge toward affordable, life-enhancing treatment experiences empowering families coping with developmental disorders through reassurance and ease!
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