20 June 2024

Tips to Help your Child GRASP the Pincer Grip

The coordination of using your thumb and index finger to perform tasks, also known as the pincer grip, is a crucial part of fine motor development. Adults use this grip for all kinds of things, including buttoning shirts, picking up tiny objects, and even using a pencil. This pincer grip exercises is usually considered a […]

20 June 2024

Tips for Helping Your Child Produce /s/

By age six, a child should be well versed in saying words with the /s/ and /z/ sounds. If your child has difficulty with the /s/ sound, this is typically considered a lateral lisp. You may also notice your child has difficulty producing /z/ sounds as well if your child is not able to produce […]

20 June 2024

Teletherapy for Children with Autism

Virtual therapy can have many benefits for children with Autism. As long as the child enjoys being on the computer and has the ability to focus for 15 minutes, virtual therapy can be an alternative to in-person therapy. Virtual lateral lisp speech therapy is a great option to help children with lateral lisp, Autism practice new skills in […]

20 June 2024

Tips to Help your Child’s Speech and Language Skills over the Holiday Break

During the school semester, your child gets plenty of support with their speech and language skills. However, once the winter break starts, consistent practice can lessen. Especially for students who have trouble with their speech and language skills, it’s important to continue practicing these skills even when they do not have speech therapy sessions. Practicing […]

20 June 2024

How to Promote Resilience in Kids

Everyone is capable of working through challenges and coping with stress, even children. Resilience is a person’s ability to recover from stress, adversity, failure, and challenges. Resilience isn’t something people have or don’t have. This is a skill that people can develop as they grow. Resilient people are more likely to take healthy risks because […]

20 June 2024

4 Ways to Work on Your Child’s Occupational Therapy Skills During The Holiday Break

Occupational therapy is designed to help people overcome setbacks related to poor motor skills. These setbacks may make it difficult for children to perform well in school, and occupational therapy can work on skills children need, such as writing and typing or tying their shoes. Occupational therapy focuses on fine and gross motor skills and […]

20 June 2024

Top 5 Reasons Children Need Therapy

It’s not uncommon for children and teens to have problems that affect how they feel, act, or learn. If these problems interfere with your child’s everyday life, it may be necessary to get therapy. You might wonder does my child need counseling? Does my child need therapy? Why would a child need therapy? In therapy, […]

20 June 2024

Social or Pragmatic Skills

Social pragmatic language is the language we use when we are in another person’s presence, even if we do not directly interact with them. Social pragmatic language includes verbal and nonverbal communication. Many of these skills come naturally to some people, but not everyone excels with understanding social pragmatic language.  A diagnosis of Social Communication […]

19 June 2024

Increasing your Child’s Expressive Language Skills

How can you get involved? Feeling like your child is falling behind in their communication and expressive language activities for toddlers can be tough but if you’re reading this then you’re on the right path to making proactive steps to improve your child’s development. But where do you start? This is a question we hear […]