Tips for Helping Your Child Produce /s/
March 11, 2025

By age six, a child should be well versed in saying words with the /s/ and /z/ sounds. If your child has difficulty with the /s/ sound, this is typically considered a lateral lisp. You may also notice your child has difficulty producing /z/ sounds as well if your child is not able to produce /s/. A lateral lisp can sound like a child has too much saliva in their mouth and can result in a slushy quality of speech.
If your child is struggling with the /s/ sound, here are some tips to help them.
1. Isolate the problem
Speech problems aren’t one-size-fits-all, so it’s important to figure out exactly what your child is having trouble with. A child who is having difficulty with the /s/ sound may be unable to produce the sound at all or only able to produce it when it’s by itself. They may also use the /s/ sound in conversation but produce the sound with a frontal distortion or lateral s distortion. You must check for s sound speech therapy in such cases.
2. Practice the /t/ sound first
If your child cannot produce the sound at all, the first place to start is to start with the /t/ sound. The /s/ and /t/ sound are produced in similar ways inside your mouth. To produce them, you touch the bumpy spot directly behind your top front teeth. The main difference between the /s/ and /t/ sound is that the /t/ sound is produced with one short burst of air. The /s/ sound, however, is produced by pushing air out continuously.
3. Name the sound
If your child can say the /s/ sound by itself but doesn’t use it in conversation, you can give the sound a name. If the child is too young to read, it can be difficult to associate the sound with the letter. Instead, you can name it “the hissing sound” or “the snake sound”. Once you’ve given the sound the name, you can use the name to remind your child to make that sound. You can always opt for s sound speech therapy in any case.
4. Use a straw
If your child can produce the /s/ sound in conversation, but it sounds a little funny, it may be difficult for the child to understand where the air is directed. One way to assist with this problem is by using a straw. If the child has a lateral s distortion, the airflow will come out of the sides of the child’s mouth. On the other hand, if the child is producing the /s/ sound properly, it will come from the center. You must consider online therapy for the s sound and allow them to hear the difference can help them make the distinction and correct it.
5. Contact a speech therapist
Finally, If your child continues to struggle with the /s/ sound, it may be time to find a speech and language therapist. While there are some things you can try at home, a speech and language therapist will be able to quickly diagnose and assess the problem. They will also have a wealth of knowledge to offer you and your child. A speech therapist may have different techniques you haven’t thought of and will make learning fun for the child.
There are many ways to utilize lateral lisp speech therapy services for your child. Whether you choose to go to a center or would rather a online therapy for the s sound option, such as connect teletherapy, it’s important to make sure your child gets the lateral lisp speech therapy they need for lateral lisp. This will ensure they can communicate clearly and effectively as they get older.

This is TeleSesh, where I’m focused on changing the way kids get therapy. We started in 2019 as a therapist-operated virtual platform for premium quality teletherapy which focuses on speech-language pathology. We are aware of the challenges faced by parents and schools such as long waits before being attended to and limited number of available therapists. Our goal at TeleSesh is simple: we aim to create convenient and efficient web-based therapy options for children. With groundbreaking measures and personalized attention, we ensure that every child has access to all the resources they require for success. Join us as we lead the charge toward affordable, life-enhancing treatment experiences empowering families coping with developmental disorders through reassurance and ease!
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